Advisor Concierge Service

Finding the right talent for your Advisory Board is critical to its success. It's important to assess your current leadership team and understand its strengths and weaknesses as it relates to alignment with your board charter and priorities. What skill sets are needed to tackle your business challenges? Is there a gap? If so, identify those skills in the selection of your advisors. If you need help finding your advisors, we recommend BoardSWAP’s Advisor Concierge Service to gain access to hundreds of subject matter experts across a wide variety of technology disciplines and channel competencies.

BoardSWAP provides this as a complimentary and independent service to support our clients.

BoardSWAP does not charge fees, rebates, or commissions from the business for this service. To avoid any conflicts of interest, BoardSWAP’s Certified ChairsTM  may assist with interviews, however, are not involved in the final selection of advisors.

Be sure to conduct your own due diligence.